We are


We believe that the love and forgiveness of Jesus remains the same, but how we present that message is adaptable.

We Give Our


God gave His best, so we give our best. Not for recognition or praise, but because in everything we do, we do it for Christ.

We are


We participate and contribute in the ministry, mission, and vision of the church with our gifts, talents, and abilities.

We are all in the family of God and no matter what we go through, we are here to help, support, encourage, and celebrate all the moments of life together.

WE Are


We are generous as a way to show our gratefulness for what Christ has done for us and to create opportunities for others to hear about the same love and forgiveness that changed our life.

We are


We are passionate about reaching those who do not know Jesus and will creatively and relentlessly pursue our goal of sharing the good news of Jesus.

we are


We believe that the whole Bible is the inspired word of God and fully believe that its teaching and lessons are the best principals for us to live to the fullest potential that God has given us.

we are
